Monday, November 9, 2009

Contemporary Photojournalism


  1. wow. it took me a minute to realize why the little boy is helping the man dress. at first glance, it looks like he has a hand in a pocket or something in the foreground, but sadly... no.
    Very interesting find. It is a sad image, but a little heartwarming at the same time.

  2. A touching poignant moment caught.

  3. Another example where a picture is worth a thousand words. This is a nicely executed image. The full tonal range is used. The vantage point is low, on the level of the child suggesting that we are seeing things from his perspective. The framing is tight and there are all sorts of interesting angles in play with this choice. Time is not a significant element in this photo. Who is the photographer? When and where was this taken? Quite a powerful photographic statement is achieved!

  4. Great example of a narrative in one image!

  5. Sorry Dave, below is information on the photographer and image......

    A superb range of photographs from Greek photojournalist, Yannis Kontos. This particular shot won 2nd place in the photojournalism section of the 2007 Spider Awards and I think you will agree it is an outstanding piece of photography.
